The Specificity of Explicit Expression and the Analysis of SSR Polymorphism of Multi-Ovary Character in Wheat 小麦多子房性状外显特异性及其SSR多态性分析
It is a routine matter to write down an explicit expression for this cycle sum. 写出这个循环和的显式是件轻而易举的事。
Based on linear-system theory and the correlation deletion method, the explicit expression of the output amplitude gain ( OAG) of the system is obtained. 研究了具有高斯白噪声的过阻尼二阶线性系统的随机共振现象,基于线性系统理论,得到了系统输出幅度增益的精确表达式。
From the point view of applications, the matrix element of the involved linear system of equations is an explicit expression without numerical integration. 从应用角度看就是最终线性方程组每一元素均为显式表达,没有数值积分。
The locally explicit expression of the vertical scaling factor is presented on the basis of numerical experiments. 在实验的基础上给出了垂直比例因子的局部显式表达式。
In this paper, we deduced the explicit expression of the absolute ruin probability for classical risk model by using of the Markov property and strong Markov property of PDMP. 根据逐段决定马尔可夫过程具有马氏性和强马氏性,本文推导出了在古典风险模型下绝对破产概率的一个明确表达式。
The integro-differential equation and the explicit expression for the ruin probability are derived. 给出该模型的破产概率所满足的积分-微分方程及解析式。
Coupling of Web Hyperlinks and Consciousness Stream and Its Explicit Expression Through Digital Representation 网络超链接与意识流的耦合及其数字化外显
The explicit expression of the output amplitude gain ( OAG) of the system is obtained based on linear system theory. 通过线性系统理论和相关删去法方法,得到了系统平均输出幅度增益的精确表达式。
Explicit Expression and Influencing Factor Analysis of Collision Probability Between Space Objects 空间目标碰撞概率的显式表达式及影响因素分析
When an ideal random binary sequence is adopted, a simple and explicit expression is derived and compared with one in BPSK modulation. 当采用直扩码型为理想随机二进序列时,获得了简单明晰的表达式,并与BPSK调制的同一系统作了比较。
The explicit expression of the sensitivity matrix is derived to enhance the efficiency of the inverse approach. 同时导出了灵敏度矩阵的显式表达,以提高反分析的效率。
The explicit expression of the gradient matrix allows the use of the optimization technique with a single parameter. 利用梯度矩阵的表达式,就可以采用一般单参数寻优方法获得一个简单的调节器。
Explicit Expression of Nielsen Equations This part aims to describe this mechanism and its security in theory. NIELSEN方程的显式然后,本文以显式授权机制为理论基础,构建了可信安全存储系统TSS。
An explicit expression of displacement with respect to the topological variables is formulated by using unit virtual load method. 利用单位虚载荷法,将位移约束表示为设计变量的显式关系。
Contract is an explicit expression of the parties 'unanimous intentions, whose validity depends on its influence. 合同形式是合同当事人意思表示一致的外在表现形式,其效力主要在于对合同成立或效力的影响力。
So we present a new approach for the explicit expression of components'dependency in the after-treatment way. 因此我们可以通过后处理的方式,把组件依赖关系显式表达出来。
Thus the explicit expression is obtained by directly calculating the generalized interactor matrices. 因此,直接求解系统的广义内作用矩阵便可得到上述频域分解的显示表达式。
The explicit expression of the ground state energy and the persistent current of the system are obtained by a second order variational perturbation approximation method. 在二级微扰变分近似下得出了其基态能量表达式和基态持续电流表达式,并在库仑排斥势趋于无穷大的假设下,得到了系统Kondo温度及持续电流的数值计算结果。
The explicit expression for the angular relation between the direction of photoelectron and decay radiation is calculated in detail. 详细计算了光电子与衰变光子辐射方向之间的角度关系的显式表示。
The explicit expression of Haar measure of U ( 3) is given in this paper. 本文给出三维酉群U(3)的Haar测度的具体表达式。
This thesis firstly gives an introduction of development of COM component technology and the core theory of it, and then illustrate the dependency of COM component, and the explicit expression of components 'dependency. 本文首先介绍了COM组件的发展及COM组件技术的核心理论,然后详细阐述了COM组件的依赖性,并重点研究了COM组件依赖性的显式表达及实现。
In special case, the explicit expression of the ruin probability is obtained. 并求得了特殊情形破产概率的明确表达式。
With the aid of theory of normal form, the explicit expression of normal form for the averaged equations associated with a pair of double-zero eigenvalues and a pair of pure imaginary eigenvalues is given by using Maple program. 利用规范形理论和Maple符号程序,获得了一对双零特征值和一对纯虚特征值情况下平均方程的规范形。
By analyzing the domain for component producing, this paper introduces a special domain component, and presents a new approach for the explicit expression of components 'dependency. 通过对构件生产的领域分析,提取了一个特殊的依赖表达构件,进而给出了一种新的构件依赖关系的显式表达方法。
When these LMIs are feasible, the explicit expression of the corresponding parameters can also be given. 并且当这些LMIs有可行解时,给出了相应参数的具体表达式。
The non-linear system itself does not have the explicit expression of the parameters structure. At the same time, input gain matrix is the function of the system state and time variables. 其中,非线性系统本身不具有参数化结构的显式表达,并且输入增益矩阵同时是系统状态和时间变量的函数。
Finally, the explicit expression of the reproducing kernel function are given in H 2 [ 0,1] space. 最后,给出H2[0,1]空间中再生核函数的显式表达式。
By using the quasi-birth-and-death process method, we obtain the explicit expression of the rate matrix and the boundary probability vectors, and derive the joint distribution of queue length and the state of servers. 利用拟生灭过程的方法,得到了率阵和边界概率向量的明显表达式,还推导出系统队长和服务员状态的联合分布。